Home Remedies For Drug Detox: Is It Possible?
Before considering if home remedies for drug detox are possible, let’s begin by focusing on the types of drugs that could be involved.
Substance abuse is increasing on a global level and more fatalities, caused by overdose, are being registered at an alarming rate.
These high figures relate to individuals having suffered from severe addictions but how does one know when an addiction is severe?
A lot of people start taking prescribed medicines to treat anxiety or chronic pain but go on to take larger quantities over an extended period without realizing the dangers that could be involved.
Doctors generally prescribe painkillers and sedatives in small doses to be used for short-term use for a few weeks. When someone innocently decides to self-medicate, their body begins to develop a tolerance to the substance so that when the intake is cut off or stopped, the body goes into shock and reacts with several undesirable withdrawal symptoms.
Marijuana addiction may seem a moderate reason for concern as weed, its common name, is legalized in some areas and used for medicinal purposes yet it is an addictive substance but not as potent as Fentanyl addiction which is a very dangerous drug and only a small amount can lead to death.
When we start looking at a combination of substances such as marijuana laced with fentanyl, we are looking at something on another level, and only the intervention of medical professionals should address the condition due to the high health risks involved.
Addiction appears when someone has taken a specific substance over a long time and consumes large amounts regularly making it virtually impossible for them to stop the habit on their own accord.
Every attempt to stop after failure makes it even harder to quit, so to avoid enduring intense cravings and feeling constantly agitated, it is easier to give in and resume consumption.
Dealing With Withdrawal Symptoms
Withdrawal symptoms generally appear shortly after reducing or stopping consumption and these can be mild or severe and will depend on many personal factors related to each individual. The list of withdrawal symptoms is lengthy and different drugs will produce different symptoms but may include:
- Nausea, vomiting accompanied by diarrhea or constipation
- Low or high blood pressure
- Slow or shallow breathing
- Fever, tremors, or shaking
- Anxiety, depression, irritability, or agitation
- Headaches, migraines, and depression
- Exhaustion and drowsiness
- Loss of coordination and disorientation
- Hallucinations and paranoia
- Seizures and coma
- Cardiac arrest or strokes
- Suicidal thoughts and actions
It goes without saying that some of these withdrawal symptoms may be life-threatening and the risks should be considered before any attempt to stop is made on your own, especially if you think you have developed an addiction.
By understanding the challenges involved, it may throw more light on the subject of using home remedies to safely detox from substances and see the bigger picture of what could possibly go wrong.

Detox From Drugs At Home
There are several motives why people choose to detox at home instead of receiving the benefits of a rehab center and never seek professional treatment.
Some of these reasons are due to the costs involved, fear of doctors and supervised settings, avoiding social stigmas and maximizing privacy, or just prefer their home comforts. They may also consider they have enough support from family and friends that will suffice to get them through the detox stage.
Many individuals have the notion that a home detox is an easy way of shrugging off drug abuse and that they will be fit and healthy in a matter of days but this is far from the truth. Some people take weeks, even years to recover from substance abuse and need strategic plans to avoid relapsing.
However, it is possible to detox in the comfort of your own home but only in the case when it is safe to do so.
Natural Home Detox
A natural detox is when harmful toxins are eliminated from the body without any medical assistance or prescribed medication.
This process is often referred to as going cold turkey by starving the body of the substance until the effects disappear and withdrawal symptoms fade.
This process may last several weeks during which time the individual has to endure the physical and emotional effects of withdrawal without any form of intervention to assist with intense cravings, pain, or discomfort associated with this procedure.
As previously mentioned, the dangers related to withdrawal symptoms can lead to complications that can be fatal without medical intervention so this form of detox is only an option for someone with a very mild substance use disorder.
Are There Home Remedies To Help During A Home Drug Detox?
There are no specific home remedies that play a significant role in a home detox and antiquated home-made remedies have no effect on how the body responds, nor can they control or regulate withdrawal symptoms.
The detoxification process has an important impact on overall health as the body cleanses itself from toxins. Although remedies have no specific purpose, some actions can be taken to assist with the body’s adjustment.
These actions should revolve around regular exercise as this will help with the elimination process and will help regulate blood pressure and breathing. Maintaining a well-balanced diet with vitamins and nutrients is recommendable without skipping meals or overindulging in rich foods is also beneficial.
It is important to stay well-hydrated by drinking plenty of water often and avoiding alcoholic beverages that cause dehydration and could cause additional problems.
Cravings can be unbearable in the early stages but will start to fade after time. These can provoke emotional feelings of anger, irritability, or bouts of violence depending on their intensity so it is crucial to find distractions and activities to keep your mind off negative thoughts and may ease some of these feelings.
Getting family members and friends together for support can also be a big asset and can boost morale.

Outpatient Detox Program
Several clinics and rehab centers provide outpatient treatment options for individuals who do not require medical supervision or hospitalization and are suitable for people with mild addictions.
These outpatient treatments generally provide alternative therapies that can help through the detox stage and may include acupuncture, herbal remedies, or counseling that can help lessen pain or stress.
Usually, an initial assessment is carried out to determine the severity of the addiction and whether this form of detox is safe and appropriate for the individual’s requirements.
An outpatient detox process is a treatment plan that is flexible to fit around the person’s daily responsibilities and commitments allowing them to continue working or studying while receiving professional help for drug withdrawal.
Inpatient Medical Detox
Residential inpatient detox treatment is the safest and most recommended way to successfully detox your body from drugs and alcohol.
People who have a moderate to severe addiction will require inpatient treatment because of the unpredictable life-threatening withdrawal symptoms that may manifest at any time during the process.
As opposed to an outpatient program, inpatient treatment involves 24/7 medical supervision to monitor symptoms and can swiftly intervene should complications arise. Additionally, prescribed medication may be administered to help with any unpleasantness and can reduce intensity and lessen any pain or discomfort.
It should be worth remembering that certain substances are considered more severe than others due to the adverse complexities in withdrawal symptoms and these include:
- Cocaine
- Methamphetamine
- Heroin
- Fentanyl
- Xanax
Xanax in particular requires a longer detox and rehab time as careful tapering off the drug is required.

Benefits Of Drug Detox Process At Resilient Recovery
Drug addiction is a very serious condition and if left untreated can lead to overdose and death. Using drugs for recreational use can very well lead to misuse and to safely stop using them can prove extremely difficult.
Resilient Recovery is a luxury rehab center in Lancaster, California where we provide comprehensive treatment programs to solve alcohol addiction and drug abuse. Our medically-assisted detox treatment successfully addresses the detox and withdrawal stages supervised by our highly qualified medical team.
Upon safely detoxing from drugs, recovering addicts can expect to receive our high level of care through our inpatient residential program that offers individualized treatment plans to deal with the physical, and psychological challenges and provides emotional support to help prevent the risk of relapse and promote the recovery process.
Resilient Recovery also offers outpatient aftercare addiction treatment that is beneficial for those requiring additional support without the need for medical supervision and is a flexible option for people who need to work or study without treatment interfering with their daily responsibilities.
At Resilient Recovery, we understand the challenges of substance abuse and the devastating impact it has on victims, their friends, and families and although one may believe that home remedies for drug detox may be possible, we consider the potential dangers of at-home detox significantly outweigh professional medical detox programs.
Call us now for further information on our treatments and services. Our friendly team is here to help and can facilitate advice and guidance on how to detox safely.